FLARE WHISPER Exploding Targets| Designed for a much quieter reaction upon impact. These air rifle and firearms exploding targets produce minimal noise, which makes them ideal for use in areas where loud explosions may be prohibited or undesirable, such as noise-sensitive environments or indoor ranges.

FLARE SONIC Exploding Targets | These air rifle exploding targets create a loud, explosive sound upon impact. They are designed for maximum auditory feedback, which is useful in outdoor settings or for shooters who want an unmistakable confirmation of a successful hit from a distance.

"Flare Sonic Exploding Targets| A nice bright flash with a significant easily audible bang and a noticeable plume of white smoke (depending on prevailing wind speed and surroundings). They’re a reasonably large enough target. I used them with air rifles and firearms and a telescopic sight. So the flash was unpleasantly amplified (my fault, should have given it more thought). The bang can possibly annoy those around the target area. Thought needed to the choice of venue. Not recommended for areas with very dry, long grass (potential fire hazard). Definitely not for indoor use. Read safety information provided. Targets must be attached to a firm stone or metal surface to work, too flexible a surface and the flash-bang will not work."

Introducing Our New
Eco-Friendly Packaging
At Premium Targets, we’re always looking for ways to innovate—not just in our products but in how we care for the environment. That’s why we’re proud to announce new eco-friendly packaging for our Flare Targets!